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Raising Your Vibes!

Having high vibrations is all about having good energies. These vibes can affect your mind, body, and soul. When your vibrations are higher, you will have more peace, love, happiness, and your mind will be clear. This also means that your body will have less pain and your emotions will be more in control. There are times when life will feel uncertain and out of control. There are things that you w...[Read More]

When Girls Lead You On!

Do you have friends that are girls that you have caught feelings for, and you wonder if they like you? Sometimes they show signs of wanting to be more than friends but other times you aren’t even sure if you’re even friends. Some girls will lead guys on and there are things that out can look for to see if she really likes you or is just leading you on. Notice the Cues It can be hard to know if she...[Read More]

Animal Meanings and Animal Signs

There are different animals that come to give you signs and to guide you. These are your spirit animals or your totem animals. Each of them will come with a message and will give signs. Here are some of the most known animals: Cardinal This is an animal that comes when there are spiritual feelings around. They are bright in color, and they are comforting with their presence. They can come and tell...[Read More]

What Are Your Spirit Guides Saying?

Do you ever feel that your spirit guide is close or feel that they aren’t close at all, and you wonder what signs you can look for? Everyone has spirit guides and angels that watch over them and even if you don’t realize it, there are there for you from the beginning of your life. Your guides watch over you and even if you don’t talk to them directly, they are there and they want to communicate wi...[Read More]

Tell Someone Your Biggest Secret

Secrets can cause you stress and when you have a secret that you need to tell someone, it can lay hard on you and can make you feel stressed and unhappy. Confessing your secret can free you and make you feel like you took a medicine in your life. Getting rid of a secret can help you to feel honest. You have probably kept a secret that you have never told anyone before. The secret is there and if y...[Read More]

Getting Your Desires Through Manifesting

There are ways that you can get what you desire, including manifesting. This is a way that you can dream of what you want and then you can have the power to make your desires come true. You can use manifestation for love, money and whatever you want or need in your life. Understanding Manifesting Manifesting is something that many people use, and you don’t even realize. Those people that seem to h...[Read More]

Getting Help from Unseen Spirits

Everyone has spiritual guides that are not seen, and they are there to help you. Everyone faces different problems and challenges and there are things that everyone needs to let go of that they no longer need. As you live your life and you move forward, these spirits come to help you. No matter what challenges you go through, the best thing that you can think about is that you aren’t alone. There ...[Read More]

Are You an Energy Vampire? Find Out!

We all need people in our lives to help us here and there and when times get tough, you should be able to rely on others. Talking to someone when you are hurting is normal so that you can get the encouragement that you need to live your best life. The problem is though that some people will take advantage of other people and they will take more than they ever offer to give back. They will complain...[Read More]

Using Rainbow Flourite to Improve Clarity

Those who are into natural and spiritual healing are well aware of how different crystals can be used to heal various things from body pains to emotional wounds. Rainbow Flourite, or as some call it Fluor Spar, is a crystal that can be used to gain clarity in your life or help you decide in a tough situation. This stone gets its name honestly. It has a variety of colors including purple, yellow, b...[Read More]

Connections Beyond Explanation

Have you ever met someone that you had such a deep connection with, and you didn’t know why? Maybe it was someone that you have never met before, but you feel a pull towards them. This can be someone that you have been drawn to that you have known for a long time or someone that you haven’t seen for a while. You might feel that your connection is strong, and you don’t really know much about them. ...[Read More]

Go from Ungrounded to Grounded

Do you feel that you are not able to focus on your thoughts or even know what you should do next? Do you feel stressed, emotional, tired or busy?  If so, it isn’t uncommon for you to have stress because life is always so busy. But, if you feel this way often, chances are that you might be ungrounded. Here are some reasons you might be ungrounded: Too many daily tasks to accomplish. You have to go ...[Read More]

Healing After a Broken Relationship

A relationship that ends can bring heartbreak to someone. It will even be harder when you see other couples that are happy and that are having good relationships. Relationships have problems and they are not always easy to solve like the ones that are in the movies. If you have been in a relationship that has ended, you might see that you need to heal from this kind of heartbreak. The thing is, no...[Read More]

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