Natal Charts and the Saturn Retrograde

Saturn Retrograde

Vedic and western astrology talk about Saturn and it being the celestial task master. This is one that demands that you give all that you have if you want to be rewarded and it makes you to be successful. This is part of the god that farmers used when they were trying to get things to grow and to get things completed that they needed to do.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is known as the sign that works the hardest. They are very determined, and they are water based.

Birth Chart

If Saturn is part of your birth chart, it can be a challenge and a blessing. It can help you to learn to be responsible and patient, but you will have to work through things to make that happen.

Saturn Retrogrades

When Saturn retrogrades each year, it means that you will have to learn whatever it is that he wants to teach you. You might get blessed and rewarded or you might have to keep working to do hard lessons.

As Saturn retrogrades, you will see that it will go through all twelve houses, and it will slow down to give you love but you will see that you will face some of the same challenges that you faced in the past.

You will see that things are important such as change, and transition and you will know that this is only for a short while. Be glad that this happens because this will be a time of success for your life.

After you overcome the hard things, you will learn that you have nothing to fear, and you will see that the things that you went through were there to help you. It can give you the chance to correct places that you have messed up and to have more balance in your life.

12 Houses

Here are some things that happen in the houses during the retrograde:

First House

You will need to look inside and see what you are identifying with. You might want to make improvements in your mind, body, and soul.

Second House

Look at what is important to you and what your morals are. Live the real life and do not be fake.

Third House

This is the thoughts and how you communicate. Learn to love others and to build yourself up at this time.

Fourth House

This is the house where your soul is mostly feeling at home. You need to help those around you that are in need.

Fifth House

This is the romantic house and the part where your energy is there to give you creative ideas. This is a time to have some fun though.

Sixth House

In this house you need to pay attention to your feelings. Love your pets more and the people around you.

Seventh House

This is where your relationships will be questioned. How are you being treated? How is it affecting your life?

Eighth House

In this house you will deal with power. Do you have strong sexual desires? What is making your life better?

Nineth House

In the nineth house you have to look at what you believe. Find out what you really believing and why.

Tenth House

In this house you need to track your goals. You will be rewarded for what you do.

Eleventh House

What are you hoping for? Find your goals and how they help you to get where you want to go.

Twelfth House

This is when you need to look deeply in our life and get rid of things that are holding you back.

Worth It

It is worth going through the retrograde because you will get stronger. Even if you feel that you are broken and you cannot get it together, you will see that you are successful and that you can handle anything life throws at you.

Let your struggles come and let the spirit work with you to bring out the good in your life.