Raising Your Vibes!

Raising Your Vibes!

Having high vibrations is all about having good energies. These vibes can affect your mind, body, and soul. When your vibrations are higher, you will have more peace, love, happiness, and your mind will be clear. This also means that your body will have less pain and your emotions will be more in control.

There are times when life will feel uncertain and out of control. There are things that you will never be in control of and that can make you feel stressed or full of anxiety. No matter how much control that you have, you do have control of your own growth. Growing can cause you to experience change and, in this growth, there can be things like pain and hard times.

The hard time that you experience during these things can cause stress and this can mean that you need to really look at your life and see what you are feeling and what you can do about it. Determine what your emotions are and if you realize that your emotions seem to be out of control, this can mean that your vibes are low.

There are things that you can do that can help you to raise your vibrations and increase your positive energy. Things like Ayurveda, yoga, meditating and other things can help you to feel happier.

Know What You’re Thinking

The thoughts that you have can help your mind, body and soul decide if it is at peace or stressed. We all have our own reality, but you are the one that allows the thoughts to come in and out of your mind. Some of the thoughts that you have can cause you to feel stressed while others can help to bring you peace.

When you are upset, you need to remember that Gautama Budda said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” This means that when you think negative things, you can become negative. This doesn’t mean that you should never feel the feelings that you have but you shouldn’t allow them to live in your mind. Allow thoughts such as anger, sadness, jealousy, shame, fear, and all of the negative thoughts to come but don’t let them stay.

Instead, change your mindset and start thinking positive things. This will take up any extra space that you have and will block negative thinking to cause you to feel bad. The thoughts that make you feel bad are the ones that you need to accept and then replace.

Try to take a deep breath when you start thinking negatively and know that all things that happen in life only happen for a moment and then they go away. Don’t let temporary things cause you to feel that you aren’t good enough. Take the sadness that you have and turn it to joy. Take the angry feelings that you have and learn to be more thankful. Accept yourself, be accountable for things that you have done but love yourself and have compassion for who you are.

Be Thankful

One way that you can increase your vibrations is to be thankful. As you live your life, you have opportunities everyday to be thankful for things that are good. You need to realize that even when things are bad, there is something to be thankful for. You can be thankful for your friends, family, your health, the air you breathe, where you live, having a home and a whole list of things.

Having thankfulness allows you to focus your attention on the good things that you have instead of focusing on things that didn’t work out or things that you don’t have. Be thankful for everything you have, and this can include things like wealth, good karma, love, health, kindness, compassion, and care.

Forgive Others and Yourself

Forgiveness means that you need to let go of something or give it away. Forgiving is giving away and letting go of the hurt that someone caused you. This doesn’t mean that you forget what they did or that you excuse their behavior but what it means is that you get your power back.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you have to be best friends with the person that hurt you, it never excuses their behavior but what it does is allows you to have a resolution in your mind and to not be in bondage of unforgiveness.

Forgiving others takes time but you can work on your healing. As you do this, know that forgiving is a life journey, and you will have to take as much time as you need to get there. Another thing that you need to do is to forgive yourself. Try to use some affirmations such as, “I forgive myself for my past.”

You are part of this world, and you are beautiful and good. You get to live on this planet with other people and this means that you will get hurt and you will be betrayed but how you hold on to this is up to you.

Be Loving and Kind

Nothing goes further than kindness and love. Being kind to others is important but it is equally important to be kind to yourself. Look at how you speak to yourself. Do you speak to yourself like an enemy or a friend? Don’t judge yourself and don’t talk down to yourself. More than likely, you don’t do this to other people, and you shouldn’t do it to yourself.

You are an amazing person, and you are unique and a gift to those that get to spend time with you. Next time your mind wants to put yourself down, be kind and talk about the good things that you bring to life.

Being kind can help other people to feel better in their life and their spirit. It can help those that are going through hard things that they might not even talk about. Sometimes people feel that they are disliked and unwanted and you can make a difference just by being kind.

When you are kind to others, you are going to be kinder to yourself. As you do this you will feel positivity flowing through you and your vibrations will raise. Speak blessings and goodness to others and you will raise your vibes and have more peace inside.

Final Thoughts

Raising your vibrations can help you to feel more positive in your mind, body, and soul. This can help you to have more energy and to feel better about who you are. You aren’t responsible for everything, but you are responsible for your part in this world. Make sure that you do good things, and you make positive changes each chance you get!